Like all great things in this world, the Petrarchan Sonnet was created in Italy. Although the form is named after Francesco Petrarch, it was actually created by Giacomo da Lentini.
The form consists of an octave (8 line stanza) followed by a sestet (6 line stanza). The rhyme scheme of the sestet has a few variations, the most common being [cdecde]. The alternative rhyme schemes for the sestet are [cdccdc] and [cdcdcd], these are commonly referred to as Sicilian sestets.
Like all sonnets, the Petrarchan Sonnet presents a conflict/question in the first half and a resolution/answer in the second half. The volta (turn) occurs between the octave and the sestet
An octave followed by a sestet
Rhyme Scheme:
Template :
(c) (c) (c)
(d) (d) (d)
(e) (c) (c)
(c) (c) (d)
(d) (d) (c)
(e) (c) (d)
Big O' Tree
To rhododendrons colorful mystique
how petty art thou petals no one plucked?
Can stymied stems be pruned to fit construct?
Two roads of urge diverge to be unique.
Tulips eclipse the heart, but let them speak!
Empowered flowers stigmas can be tucked
And trigger happy pistils can be sucked.
Caught in the weeds all madness blooms oblique.
Cross pollination leads to better yield
regardless of the way the seeds are sown
an ally to the cause will plow the field
and pay no heed to harvest as it's shown.
For if you question this you have revealed
the colors of the bigotry you've grown.
Antonio Eramo