The Miltonic Sonnet is a form that was popularized by John Milton. This sonnet follows the same rhyme scheme as a Petrarchan Sonnet (ABBAABBACDECDE). However, unlike the Petrarchan Sonnet, which I made up of an octave and a sestet, the Miltonic sonnet is traditionally written without stanza breaks.
The foremost defining characteristics of a Miltonic Sonnet are the theme and the use of enjambment. Unlike most sonnets, that primarily focus on love and emotion, Miltonic sonnets focus on politics and larger moral/intellectual issues. The use of enjambment quickens the pace of the sonnet and allows for double meanings to emerge throughout the piece.
The Volta in a Miltonic sonnet is a bit more flexible (in regards to its location) than other sonnets, but typically there is still a question/conflict and a resolution/answer.
One unbroken stanza
Rhyme Scheme:
Template :
Shake Off Responsibility
I know this intifada fad will fade
for campus hypocrites put pride before
the core beliefs of terrorists at war.
The tortured poets are all Taylor made
and rush to join calamities cascade
from the river. But few deliver more
than rhetoric that chooses to ignore
how often “victim” card is overplayed
by both sides in this genocidal game
that tunnels through the wickedness man
no peace is found in pieces of a lie
the art of war depends upon the frame-
work of false prophets. But what of Gods plan
involves mothers that never said good-bye
Antonio Eramo